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"May the odds be ever in your favor"

Jan 24

2 min read




These numbers will BLOW your mind.

An article from Forbes magazine shows that job applicants who submit between 21 and 80 applications have a 30% chance of getting a job offer. You heard that correctly, only 30%!

So more must be better, right? WRONG. Applicants who submitted MORE than 81 job applications had a 20% chance of getting an offer. 

What just happened here? Why would submitting more applications decrease your chance of getting a job offer? “Panic applying” is why.

Panic applying happens when people apply to too many jobs and do not spend enough time on each individual application. For each application you should be editing your resume to meet the specifications listed in the job description AND writing a tailored cover letter. Quality over quantity is what you are shooting for, not the other way around. 

This is not an easy thing to do. Trust me. I have been there and panic applied to too many jobs in my time. But don’t be like me, be better.

Now on to more fun. Did you know that 80% of job offers come from networking? That means that you have a 2.5X greater chance of getting a job offer by networking than you do by applying to 80 jobs on your own. Want more? 70% of all jobs filled are NEVER even posted on popular job boards. Pure madness.


·      If you apply to 21-80 jobs your chances of getting a job offer is only 30%. More is not better.

·      80% of job offers result from networking

·      70% of jobs filled are never posted on popular job boards

My takeaways:

·      Networking is your best strategy when looking for a new job. 

Call to action: If you are an employer, or a physician working for an employer, that hires physicians for non-clinical roles, please reach out to me so that I can connect you with qualified employees. We need a better way to facilitate this vital networking, for now I can be that conduit.


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