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Why a resume will get you seen

Oct 25, 2024

1 min read




6-7 seconds.

That’s how long a recruiter will spend looking at your resume (on average). How can you possibly grab their attention and stand out? I have six tips to get you started. 

1) Switch from a CV to a resume.

2) Formatting: organize your resume in a logical and easy to read manner

3) Highlight your RELEVANT work experience at the beginning. Include important job specifications from the job listing on your resume.

3) Summarize the most important aspects of your listed jobs in 3-5 bullet points. Don’t write long paragraphs about the position. Remember you have only 6-7 seconds to grab their eye.

4) Consolidate or remove jobs and experience that are not relevant. For physicians this usually means succinctly listing all of their clinical experience in one heading. Most non-clinical jobs do not need details about your clinical jobs, unless it involves administrative roles beyond caring for patients.

5) Remove references. These can be provided upon results and take up valuable real estate.

6) Here’s the hard one: resumes should only be 1-2 pages in length

Here is the link to my resume writing guide to get you started:


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